There's a Bit of Magic in Everything, and Then Some Loss to even Things out (2012)

Exhibition at Gl. Strand Gallery, for the group-show "Extract". Copenhagen, Denmark


Wooden sign, 550 x 200 x 35 cm
Drawing, graphite on paper, 200 x 150 cm



Anna Bak works primarily with sculpture, installation and drawing. She often uses natural or relatively unprocessed materials such as wood, leather or stone and she is interested in stories that are based on nature and how we relate to it.
This work is founded on the socio-cultural paradoxes which arise out of the relation between America's indigenous people, and the United states today. How America's indigenous people are attributed with, as well as they occupy and exploit, certain nostalgic notions -not least ideas of style and aesthetics.


Anna Bak arbejder fortrinsvis med skulptur, installation og tegning. Hun er interesseret i fortællinger, der tager afsæt i naturen, og i hvordan vi forholder os til den. I tråd hermed anvender Anna Bak ofte naturlige eller forholdsvis uforarbejdede materialer som f.eks. træ, læder eller sten.
Værket her tager udgangspunkt i de sociokulturelle paradokser, der udspringer af forholdet mellem Amerikas oprindelige folk og nutidens USA. Værket undersøger, hvordan Amerikas oprindelige folk bliver tillagt, indtager og udnytter bestemte nostalgiske forestillinger -ikke mindst forestillinger om formsprog og æstetik.