Ah, Wilderness! (2011)

Solo-exhibition at The Waller Yoblonsky Gallery, Bozeman, Montana, USA


In “Ah, Wilderness” we see a combination of drawing and sculptural artworks all concentrated around a thematic base. The title of the show arises from the title of the 1933 comedy play by Eugene O'Neill and is also a comment on how man is interfering with nature. Anna Bak's interest lies in the idea of man looking at nature, seeing nature as symbolic and as a place for true original reflection. Historically, unspoiled wild nature has always been a popular scene for artists and poets; but in this show Ms. Bak takes another turn and reflects more on this fascination of nature rather than on nature itself.

The works are also inspired by the thoughts springing from Henry David Thoreau's book “Walden” in comparison to the incredible story of the Unabomber, Ted Kaczynski, living a life

of similar solitude in a cabin in the forests of Montana.
The exhibition dates where Monday April 18 – Friday April 22, 2011 at The Waller Yoblonsky Gallery
located on the Montana State University Campus, near the School of Art Graduate Studios, 2998 West Lincoln Street, Bozeman, Montana.